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Still having the audacity to be a prejudiced racist bigot after all of Covid’s indiscriminate tragedies, is so primitive and remedial. Imma’ need for them folk who resonate that low to read the room and recognize. There are unifiers out there that don’t give 2 flying flaccid rat’s asses ’bout what you believe or serve. Instead, the aim should be to start setting superficial differences aside in order to work together. To avoid the very real extinction of us all. Simply because of a few choosing to be haters and hypocrites برسكوتو برتمبه موتو. #GoodVibes #董仲舒 #Atlas #Doksuri #KhanunLanHaikui #紫禁城 #天安門廣場 #BlackStorm #WindyCity #Earthshot #FreeSpeech