To those who resonate with Trump please know that it’s an insult to your intelligence and that you are far smarter than he grifts and gives you credit for. Instead of truly being concerned with ensuring the future of your children’s children is fertile enough to nurture the futures of their children. He distracts you with the intentions of using your love for America to divide it and keep himself out of prison.
No1 wants to take away your guns, but we would like to avoid encouraging the violence at the core of domestic terrorism. That threatens the security of the nation and if we are all serious about Law and Order? I think we could all agree that law enforcement and our military has their plates full with threats foreign in nature.
No1 wants prayer out of schools or make abortions offensive, but we do want every contributor and taxpayer to feel appreciated, safe, and proud to be an American. Feeling free enough to do with their bodies whatever they feel as a consenting individual is best for them. While simultaneously respecting the consequences of the law if their actions impede upon the peace of another.
And finally, no1 wants to raise your taxes or deny immigrants, Ukrainians, or anyone else in the World support. But please consider with a growing population putting significant strains on limited resources. The demand for certain supplies will increase and I believe we can all understand the need to be conservative at times. #GodBlessAmerica